energyXT – Public Beta & Coming next section

energyXT – Public Beta & Coming next section

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Coming next

Recording audio will now name the recorded files using the track name
Addded Favorites section to browser
The Editor Tab buttons can now be merged with main menu to save screen space (on by default)
Drag samples from audio pool to sampler
Invert selection
Nicer logo in titlebar
Fixed bug with arp and hanging notes
MIDI to markes on/off is now saved per project (and not global option)
Fixed bug with drgging automation and parts with trimmed start
Use Alt + Shift + Up/Down to change velocity and controllers by +/- 1
Add MIDI track from track menu
Fixed some flatten bugs related to sampe rate

25-nov – energyXT 2.6 final

Tempo track
Added ‘Random’ to MIDI and Drum process menu (will randomly re-order all events in part)
Added half/double tempo to MIDI process menu
You can now replace drums kit on drum tracks with new drum preset or rex file
Added support for fractional tempo
Drum parts can now be processed with Reverse, Half tempo and Double tempo
Drag samples from audio pool into sequencer
Drag samples from audio pool into drum sampler
Added option to delete all tempo markers
Note preview will now use velocity from the note (instead of fixed)
You can now change color of step rec cursor
Minor GUI improvements
Added skinning options for main toolbar and multi-effect panels
Added option to invert mouse zoom
Added speed button for zoom selection in sequencer
Split at cursor (Ctrl + K) now also works on events in-track and in the part editor
Added shortctus for vertical zoom (ctrl +/-)
You can now drag & drop tracks in and out of folders
Added ‘Disk full’ warning
Mixer strip in sequencer now has a channel selector for multi-out instruments
Changing patches in the VST editor window does not update the object bar, now fixed
Recording automation from VST GUI now works with multiple tracks routed to the same VST
Fixed bug with time view and tempo changes
Arpeggiator always played back on midi channel 1, now fixed using the channel of the midi input
Fixed bug with invert zoom
Fixed GUI bug with enabled/disable midi devices and resetting scrollbars
Fixed drag & drop indicator on drum track panel
Fixed a bug with some plugins and render using different sample on export and audio playback
MIDI thru button on drum track was missing (when in Manual midi thru mode), now fixed
Arpeggiator gate and shuffle was not updated in GUI when changed by CC, now fixed
Fixed a bug with duplicate drum track and drum events not showing
Fixed a bug with midi mapping/control
Shift select part didnt work when in-rack editing, now fixed
Fixed bug with MIDI values out of range (when drag insert cc events etc)
Crash when sample is made much shorter in “stretch” mode, now fixed

1-october – energyXT 2.5.4 final

Added drum name and preview in popup editor
Drag & drop plugins from browser to tracks and insert/send fx slots did not update recent items, now fixed
Will now highlight EQ/FX section title if in use (must be set in skin: mixer > fx secction > highlight)
Added cross delay param for multi-effect
‘first note recording’ bug fixed
gui was missing on several plugins on mac, now fixed
popup drum editor
vertical zoom in popup editor and in-track editor
drag rex file into tracks panel to create drum track, drum part and load the samples
option to always show the modular tab
fixed drawing bug with audio region/selection
you can now use image for selected track and part
you can now skin the selection region in the editors
adding new controller lane’s in the popup editor didnt get selected in view by default, now fixed
convert audio parts to mono
added recording latency option in audio setup
will now attempt to recover a project when encountering errors when loading (caused by a plugin or simular)
freeze drum track could crash if using long samples, now fixed
VST version will now sync to host in modular view (without sequencer comp)
Enable auto update on linux could crash, now fixed
Duplicater track
MIDI In comp now has its own ‘editor’ window with midi keyboard and option for quantize and velocity sens
MIDI part quantize length, slice and reverse
MIDI part legato and fixed length
MIDI part delete doubles
Sampler and dum samplers loop markers could get stuck outside the view, now fixed
Added public/private option for Soundcloud add-on, and will now also show the URL of the upload file on success

1-july – energyXT 2.5.3 final

Export directly to your SoundCloud account (currently only win/mac)
Playlist (file mapper) for loading projects by program change (see File menu)
Master Time signature track
Soundfont support in sampler
Open samples in external audio editor (see process menu)
You can now record playing the drum pads with the mouse
Replaced Add track sub menu with new add track dialog (shortcut ctrl + i) with option to insert multiple tracks
Use num keys to play/record drum sampler (drum sampler must be open)
willl now autmoatically check for updates (optinal: see file > options > global)
You can now “flatten” multi-event audio parts to single event audio parts
Export MIDI will now convert drum events to notes
Pads in drum sampler are now skinnable
Set loop region with ctrl + left/right click
Added recent projects to file menu
Added option to render/bounce selected parts only
Added monitor volume control in main toolbar (has no effect on render/bounce)
You can now change values fields (tempo/pan etc) by dragging mouse sideways in addition to the old up/down behavior
Added option for filled or outlined part fill color (see file > options > global)
Added option to show/hide the Modular tab in the Windows menu
Moved sequencer program dropdown to bottom of view next to scrollbar
Loops & clips section in browser will now show mp3 files
Sampler can now show more than 32 programs
Import REX will now show one item in the Audio pool instead of one for each slice
Improved scrollbar in part editor
Track name not imported on some MIDI files, now fixed
Trying to export an “empty” selection would create an empty wav, now fixed
Drag samples from windows explorer to drum sampler and then play pad could crash, now fixed
Fixed bug with preivewing xtc clips on Snow leopard (may fix the shutdown bug as well)
Fixed shutdown bug on Win7
Undo add sequencer in modular view would lead to crash, now fixed
Fixed bug with dragging notes below C-2 with preview enabled
Drum track insert effect wet level was not saved with project, now fixed
Fixed memory leak in undo buffer
Deleted VST’s in undo buffer are now suspended
Snap to initial pos ignored when snap is off and moving events
Fixed external MIDI out event bug (extra data on some drivers) on win

See also  energyXT:

18-jun – energyXT2.5.3 beta (win) | (linux) | (OSX 10.4)

Replaced Add track sub menu with new add track dialog (shortcut ctrl + i) with option to insert multiple tracks
Set song pos now snaps to quantize resolution (broken in beta)
Use num keys to play/record drum sampler (drum sampler must be open)
Fixed problem with freeze/bounce
Trying to export an “empty” selection would create an empty wav, now fixed
You can now change values fields (tempo/pan etc) by dragging mouse sideways in addition to the old up/down behavior
Drag samples from windows explorer to drum sampler and then play pad could crash, now fixed

4-jun – energyXT2.5.3 beta

Fixed bug with preivewing xtc clips on Snow leopard (may fix the shutdown bug as well)
Fixed shutdown bug on Win7
Added option for filled or outlined part fill color (see file > options > global)
willl now autmoatically check for updates (optinal: see file > options > global)
Import REX will now show one item in the Audio pool instead of one for each slice
Export directly to your SoundCloud account (currently only win/mac)

31-mar – energyXT2.5.3 beta

You can now “flatten” multi-event audio parts to single event audio parts
Export MIDI will now convert drum events to notes
Using Markers would crash if removing or not having a MIDI in comp, now fixed
Undo add sequencer in modular view would lead to crash, now fixed
Fixed bug with dragging notes below C-2 with preview enabled
Selecting image in GUI editor would crash, now fixed

12-mar – energyXT2.5.3 beta

Drum track insert effect wet level was not saved with project, now fixed
Added option to show/hide the Modular tab in the Windows menu
Fixed bug with setting loop and position to new Timesig changes
Fixed memory leak in undo buffer
Deleted VST’s in undo buffer are now suspended
Pads in drum sampler are now skinnable
Fixed timesig bug, numbers overlapping
Loops & clips section in browser will now show mp3 files
Set loop region with ctrl + left/right click
Added recent projects to file menu
Snap to initial pos ignored when snap is off and moving events

11-jan – energyXT2.5.3 beta

Added option to render/bounce selected parts only
Playlist (file mapper) for loading projects by program change (see File menu)
Master Time signature track
Soundfont support
Improved scrollbar in part editor
Track name not imported on some MIDI files, now fixed
Sampler can now show more than 32 programs
Fixed external MIDI out event bug (extra data on some drivers) on win
Open sample in external audio editor (see process menu)
Moved sequencer program dropdown to bottom of view next to scrollbar
Added monitor volume control in main toolbar (has no effect on render/bounce)
You can now record playing the drum pads with the mouse

13-nov – energyXT2.5.2 final release

Live markers in sequencer for live remixing and recording
You can now use png for skinning the main transporter and the mixer volume knob
Direct preview of REX and XTC files in browser
Step recording of notes and drum events
Note preview in piano-roll and drum editor
Drag & drop replace and re-arrange samples in Drum editor
Freeze will now bypass VST instruments also when song is stopped
Added “Recent” VST plugins section to sequencer and mixer
Auto update to latest version (final and/or beta versions)
You can now re-arrange tracks by drag & drop
You can now import midifile from file menu
Automation lookahead when starting/loop playback
The sampler is now using note value and not midi number for displaying the org.key
Modular view now has VST plugins on right-click menu
Improved scrollbar behavior in sequencer
When importing drum track xtc files, will now only merge samples if sample set is 100% identical in both file and track
Changed order of EQ bands in mixer from low > high
New shortcut (default ‘5’) to rewind to last play position
New shortcuts (default shift + ‘x’ and shift + ctrl + ‘x’) to toggle quantize values
Added shortcut (default ‘p’) for preview on/off
Importing from MIDI files will now get the midi channel from events if not specified on the track
Added volume control for preview in browser
Added new action for ‘loop selection’ (CTRL+P), without changing playback
Mouse resize hotspot now relative to part size, making it easier to move parts when zoomed out
Import midi file didnt set track names, now fixed
Alt + mouse click to insert notes and then drag to resize didnt snap correctly to grid, now fixed
Default project option didnt work with the VST version when creating new instance, now fixed
Mac version didnt always list all midi input and output devices, now fixed

See also  energyXT2

9-oct – energyXT2.5.2 BETA

Default project option didnt work with the VST version when creating new instance, now fixed
Freeze will now bypass VST instruments also when song is stopped
Added volume control for preview in browser
Importing from MIDI files will now get the midi channel from events if not specified on the track
DirectSound playback broken in last beta, now fixed
You can now use png for skinning the mixer volume knob

23-sept – energyXT2.5.2 BETA

You can now rearrange tracks by drag & drop
Drag & drop replace samples in Drum editor
Drag & drop rearrange samples in Drum editor
Added new action for ‘loop selection’ (ctrl+P), without changing playback
Mouse resize hotspot now relative to part size, making it easier to move parts when zoomed out

24-july – energyXT2.5.2 BETA

Fixed problem with open project after using markers and keep remix

15-july – energyXT2.5.2 BETA

Live markers in sequencer
You can now import midifile from file menu
You can now skin the main transporter with png (with alpha support)
Added option to save live marker session in to new arrangement

3-july – energyXT2.5.2 BETA

Modular view now has VTS plugins on right-click menu
Preview REX files in browser
Preview XTC files in browser
Added shortcut (default ‘p’) for preview on/off

12-jun – energyXT2.5.2 BETA

step recording
drum sound preview in drum editor
note preview in piano-roll
import midi file didnt set track names, now fixed
alt + mouse click to insert notes and then drag to resize didnt snap correctly to grid, now fixed
the sampler is now using note value and not midi number for displaying the org.key
automation lookahead when starting/loop playback
added “Recent” VST plugins section to sequencer menu
added “Recent” VST plugins section in mixer

23-mar – energyXT2.5.1 final release

export to MIDI file
export audio using multiple audio outs in project could crash, now fixed
VST version didnt include the default drum kit, now fixed
will now load aif files in drum sampler and synthesizer
you can now drag & drop .xt files into energyXT to open projects
snap settings in sequncer now saved with song
the samples section in browser didnt show mp3 files, now fixed
fixed “MIT-SHM” error on linux
it was possible to drag the main window behind the os menu on MacOSX, now fixed
click close main button on mac would prompt for save changes twice, now fixed
added workaround for lame on mac, will now support having lame in energyXT folder
undo text with audio process reverse and fade in/out was wrong, now fixed
recording new part(s) didnt un-select already selected parts, now fixed
insert note/midi event with mouse didnt copy the midi channel from the track, now fixed
using ctrl-mousewheel to move faders is upside-down, now fixed
changing the loop settings in the meter could sometimes make the track list scroll, now fixed
scrollbars in modular view would reset wen changing view, now fixed and scroll pos is also saved
song pos wasnt restored after render, now fixed
Drag-insert MIDI controllers didnt use the track’s MIDI ch, now fixed
create new sequencer manually in modulat views and dock to new page would crash, now fixed
load an .fxb file and the new preset name is not listed until you refresh its display, now fixed
parameter changes (via automation or changing programs, for example) aren’t shown in the display of a non-GUI plugin until you click on it, now fixed
crash when attempting to paste MIDI notes into an audio part in the popup editor, now fixed
when an invalid project folder path is specified in Setup, saving a new file (without specifying a full path) fails, now fixed. This fix also applies to saving presets and clips
crash when muting/unmuting a part on a frozen track during playback, now fixed
having VST versions and standalone in the same folder causes crash when adding the VST into it (due to libaam.dll)
“Bar” snap was always 4 quarter notes regardless of time signature, now fixed
upgrading VST plugin’s where new version having more inputs and/or outputs than old version could lead to crash on older projects, now fixed

See also  energyXT:

14-nov – energyXT2.x BETA

multi-track export didnt remove empty tracks, now fixed
new verison of jack.cpp for linux uploaded with some minor fixes (removed mutex, fixed midi in)
you can now create new folder from folder window in export project as multi-track
improved disk layout in browser (see Disks section) on mac/linux
fixed random crash on recording to very slow disk

1-aug – energyXT2.x BETA

fixed send level bug (problem with multi-out plugins in combination with plugins with pdc)
multi-track export didnt use bits and mono/stereo from the export dialog, now fixed
fixed a rare playback bug with drum tracks
drum events was painted outside part, now fixed
dropdown window was outside screen, now fixed

11-july – energyXT2.x BETA

added option to export one file per track

30-june – energyXT2.x BETA

you can now copy/paste a selection of audio sample
cut selection of audio sample (making sample shorter)
add track using keybord shortcut would crash, now fixed
folder setup window didnt show up automatically on missing plugin, now fixed
glue audio part but with only one part selected would hide events, now fixed
drum track vol/pan/mute/solo didnt have any effect on send levels on each drum, now fixed
changing eq frequency with mouse now has finer resolution on lower frequencies
audio selection now works with current snap settings
improved copy/paste events
cut/paste parts, events and audio selection
metronome sometimes out of sync when recording
drag effects from browser into drum strip send section didnt add audio cable
fixed various minor linux issues
fixed bug with sending multiple midi events from the VST plgin version

5-june – energyXT2.x BETA

gui on linux now much faster
add new drum track wil now not add factrory samples, only when added from quick add track button
added reverse to process menu
factory drum kits didnt work on ppc mac, now fixed

30-may – energyXT2.x BETA

you can new edit a selection of a sample with normalize, cut, trim, fade in and out
added option for welcome screen (see setup > global > startup)
added some more project templates in File > New
you can now remove all unused samples in audio pool
added support for set as default project
compressor ratio was displayed inverted in gui, now fixed
fixed denorminalisation bug on filter effect
could not add drum events after creating drum & bass template, now fixed
re-order sends and drop fx, didnt update drum sound send leves, now fixed
mixer strip in drum editor didnt show all fx, now fixed
added simple factory drumset to drum sampler
added more presets to synthesizer
random track color (turn on/off in options) is now more colorful

24-may – energyXT2.x BETA

you can now collapse EQ and FX sections in mixer to minimize vertically space
new guitar amp effect with clean, crunch and dirty amp types
added vol/pan control to drum pads
added the drum mixer as a side panel instead of as a separate view
fade in/out on audio clip didnt work properly when starting playback in middle of clip
quick add track menu didnt show VST plugins in alphabetical order, now fixed
fixed audio recording bug, would not always start recording on some pc
crash when pressing Tab key while a menu is open, now fixed
crash after adding new sequencer and showing mixer, now fixed
pan value box in overlay mode couldnt be set to negative values, now fixed
open or create new project is not available while recording
track monitor/midi thru button was on top of solo button, now fixed
internal dealy effect was out of sync after changing sample rate, now fixed
pressing home key in piano roll didnt update scrollbar, now fixed
bounce “left to right locator” always added new sample at the beginning of the timeline, now fixed

16-may – energyXT2.x BETA

You can now add VSTs from right-click on track in sequencer
You can now add VSTs from right-click on FX slots in mixer
Added support for normalize audio files
Duplicate sequencer could sometimes cause a crash, now fixed
Back space now works also as delete
Fixed bug with Back space and delete key on MacOSX
MIDI playback only worked on first arrangement in sequencer, now fixed
Added loop button in master transporter
New speedbutton for adding tracks and plugins in sequencer
New channel strip in sequencer with option to show/hide eq, sends, insert
Will now zoom in/out at songpos when autoscroll is enabled
New drum editor
You can now solo drum sounds
Added piano keys to Synthesizer
Export to mp3 (lame)
Drag & drop mp3 into sequencer, will import mp3 as wav file (lame)
You can now set fade in/out on samples
Added option to manually crossfade to samples (shift + x)
Added bit crusher effect with sample rate degrader
Added filter effect
Drum track now has support for send levels on each drum
You can now beatslice samples in sequencer
You can now autoslice samples in sequencer
Added speedbuttons for adding effects on mixer strip


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