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14-nov – energyXT2.x BETA (win) |

betaXT2linux.tar.gz (linux) |
betaXT2mac.dmg (osx 10.4)

– multi-track export didnt remove empty tracks, now fixed
– new verison of jack.cpp for linux uploaded with some minor fixes (removed mutex, fixed midi in)
– you can now create new folder from folder window in export project as multi-track
– improved disk layout in browser (see Disks section) on mac/linux
– fixed random crash on recording to very slow disk

1-aug – energyXT2.x BETA

– fixed send level bug (problem with multi-out plugins in combination with plugins with pdc)
– multi-track export didnt use bits and mono/stereo from the export dialog, now fixed
– fixed a rare playback bug with drum tracks
– drum events was painted outside part, now fixed
– dropdown window was outside screen, now fixed

11-july – energyXT2.x BETA

– added option to export one file per track

30-june – energyXT2.x BETA

– you can now copy/paste a selection of audio sample
– cut selection of audio sample (making sample shorter)
– add track using keybord shortcut would crash, now fixed
– folder setup window didnt show up automatically on missing plugin, now fixed
– glue audio part but with only one part selected would hide events, now fixed
– drum track vol/pan/mute/solo didnt have any effect on send levels on each drum, now fixed
– changing eq frequency with mouse now has finer resolution on lower frequencies
– audio selection now works with current snap settings
– improved copy/paste events
– cut/paste parts, events and audio selection
– metronome sometimes out of sync when recording
– drag effects from browser into drum strip send section didnt add audio cable
– fixed various minor linux issues
– fixed bug with sending multiple midi events from the VST plgin version

5-june – energyXT2.x BETA

– gui on linux now much faster
– add new drum track wil now not add factrory samples, only when added from quick add track button
– added reverse to process menu
– factory drum kits didnt work on ppc mac, now fixed

30-may – energyXT2.x BETA

– you can new edit a selection of a sample with normalize, cut, trim, fade in and out
– added option for welcome screen (see setup > global > startup)
– added some more project templates in File > New
– you can now remove all unused samples in audio pool
– added support for set as default project
– compressor ratio was displayed inverted in gui, now fixed
– fixed denorminalisation bug on filter effect
– could not add drum events after creating drum & bass template, now fixed
– re-order sends and drop fx, didnt update drum sound send leves, now fixed
– mixer strip in drum editor didnt show all fx, now fixed
– added simple factory drumset to drum sampler
– added more presets to synthesizer
– random track color (turn on/off in options) is now more colorfull

24-may – energyXT2.x BETA

– you can now collapse EQ and FX sections in mixer to minimize vertically space
– new guitar amp effect with clean, crunch and dirty amp types
– added vol/pan control to drum pads
– added the drum mixer as a side panel instead of as a separate view
– fade in/out on audio clip didnt work properly when starting playback in middle of clip
– quick add track menu didnt show VST plugins in alphabetical order, now fixed
– fixed audio recording bug, would not always start recording on some pc
– crash when pressing Tab key while a menu is open, now fixed
– crash after adding new sequencer and showing mixer, now fixed
– pan value box in overlay mode couldnt be set to negative values, now fixed
– open or create new project is not available while recording
– track monitor/midi thru button was on top of solo button, now fixed
– internal dealy effect was out of sync after changing sample rate, now fixed
– pressing home key in piano roll didnt update scrollbar, now fixed
– bounce “left to right locator” always added new sample at the beginning of the timeline, now fixed

See also  energyXT2

16-may – energyXT2.x BETA

– You can now add VSTs from right-click on track in sequencer
– You can now add VSTs from right-click on FX slots in mixer
– Added support for normalize audio files
– Duplicate sequencer could sometimes cause a crash, now fixed
– Back space now works also as delete
– Fixed bug with Back space and delete key on MacOSX
– MIDI playback only worked on first arrangement in sequencer, now fixed
– Added loop button in master transporter
– New speedbutton for adding tracks and plugins in sequencer
– New channel strip in sequencer with option to show/hide eq, sends, insert
– Will now zoom in/out at songpos when autoscroll is enabled
– New drum editor
– You can now solo drum sounds
– Added piano keys to Synthesizer
– Export to mp3 (lame)
– Drag & drop mp3 into sequencer, will import mp3 as wav file (lame)
– You can now set fade in/out on samples
– Added option to manually crossfade to samples (shift + x)
– Added bit crusher effect with sample rate degrader
– Added filter effect
– Drum track now has support for send levels on each drum
– You can now beatslice samples in sequencer
– You can now autoslice samples in sequencer
– Added speedbuttons for adding effects on mixer strip

1-mar-2008 – Version 2.0.7

– Adding notes to MIDI part after gluing two ghost parts could sometines crash, now fixed
– Saving project to new folder/location on disk will now copy over all samples, not only those located in audio folder
– Audio in on Mac
– Saving a project will now use a “temp file” while writing to disk. In case anything goes wrong (crash, freeze, lock-up), the
old project file will not be overwritten/corrupted.
– You can now use alt-right-click to slice samples inside audio parts with multiple events
– Split multi-event audio part would cut off sample on right side of split location, now fixed
– Added external MIDI out on Mac
– Right-click popup menu on second monitor would show menu on first monitor, now fixed

1-feb-2008 – Version 2.0.6

– Added tempo to MIDI mapping
– When using Multi-effect as insert FX, automation of power and wet/dry didnt work, now fix
– Removed VST entry from Shortcut list in Options, didnt have any actions associated with it
– Changed default shortcut for Loop to “L” and Record to “R” (more laptop friendly)
– Country specific characters wasnt supported in Rename and File dialogs, now fixed
– MIDI controlling synthesizer didnt update the value boxes, now fixed

18-jan-2008 – Version 2.0.5

– Added Ctrl + B as default shortcut for “Bounce to new audio track”
– Mixer filter popup was shoing “Comps” instead of “Components”, fixed
– Cancel Boune to track would create an empty audio file, now delete from disk
– Shortcut text for scroll up/down octave in Setup was reversed, now fixed
– Added limit to zoom-in
– Saving a project with audio folder to new location, will make copy of files in audio folder and store it in the new location
– You can now copy linked files to audio folder, without having to create the audio folder first. (Project must be saved)
– You can now copy ALL samples to audio folder
– added icons to browser
– added option to add/change VST plugin folder(s) when opening a project with VST not found
– some shortcuts keys wasnt displayed properly in options (INS, PAGEUP/DOWN, END)
– read/write AIF files
– Comps in Browser renamed to “Components”, Comps in Tab bar renamed to Modular (only in New projects), Duplicate renamed to Repeat

See also  energyXT - Music creation improved

21-dec-2007 – Version 2.0.4

– You can now route midi tracks to audio and drum (for automation over multiple clips)
– Record automation directly from VST gui and mixer channel
– You can now copy samples to project audio folder
– Added option to remove and delete unsused samples from project
– Render to wav will now set project name as default filename
– Add audio track will now automatically route default audio in to the track
– Position/time display in transporter
– External MIDI out (win)
– You can now map midi cc to transporter play, stop, rew and record (double-click to midi learn)
– you can now customize gui
– added time-sig to sequencer
– Fixed. Clicking on a multi-sample audio part while the Direction or the Resample dropdown menu is open causes a crash
– Fixed. Crash when you add a VST with no audio outs as a send effect
– Fixed. Previewed (clicked in browser) samples aren’t released from memory.
– VST version: removed settings for audio/midi from the Setup window, not needed
– Drop sample in sequencer will now update audio pool
– Freeze, render to track and audio recording will now auto create audio folder for project if needed
– Added midi input sensitivity on midi and drum tracks
– Changing track while playing MIDI keyboard resulted in hanging notes, now fixed
– Metronome out of sync if jumping to locators while playing, now fixed
– Tab and return key didnt work with RGB values in color dialog, now fixed
– Some VST MIDI only plugins didnt work properly, now fixed
– Fixed bug with dragging file form browser in VST version
– Saving project with mising or faulty plugins could corrupt project, now fixed
– Project folder in browser now only shows folders with xt files (also hiding audio folders)
– Tooltip is now displyed in the main toolbar, also showing the shortcut key
– Changing the keyboard shortcuts wasnt saved, now fixed
– The File dialog was not showing long filenames properly, now fixed
– Browser will now hide all sub folders that doesnt contain VST plguins
– Browser will now show only files of interest for presets, plugins, clips and samples
– Using plugin folders with ‘[‘ and ‘]’ in the foldername didnt show in browser, now fixed
– Browser listing wasnt alphabetical on all file systems, now fixed
– drop preset in synth will now replace current preset, unless when in the “Bank” page
– added undo support for drag & drop synth preset
– added ctrl up/down as shortcutd for move tracks up/down
– size of browser is now a global setting and not saved per project
– popup piano roll didn’t scroll all the way down to C-2, now fixed
– added about menu link to turotials and homesite
– save synth program, will now suggest program name as file
– added drag & drop window
– VST effect version didnt have any sound in some hosts (Live, FL Studio), now fixed
– in VST version tempo and loop was still locked to host when external sync disabled, now fixed
– scrolling in-track MIDI track didnt update piano display, now fixed
– jamstick didnt sync and update gui properly becuase of timeinfo incomplete, now fixed

See also  energyXT - Music creation improved

11-aug-2007 – Version 2.0.2

– Added tripplets to arpeggiator
– Fixed automation bug

10-aug-2007 – Version 2.0.1

– Classic arp in sequencer and Comps view
– Added option to turn “sync to host” on/off in VST version
– VST version didnt play properly in loop wen syncing to host, now fixed
– last version was sending out all notes off to VST’s on initialization, this could crash some VST (like amplitube2), now fixed
– drag-connecting midi and audio cables in comp view would alwyas connect to the first port, now fixed
– Dragging loop with mouse outside editor window would keep scrolling, now fixed
– Scrolling in event list would corrupt event time display, now fixed
– Page up/down will now scroll by octave in piano roll, now fixed
– You can now drag .xte files into the comp view

10-july-2007 – Version 2.x beta

– using mouse wheel could crash some VST’s, now fixed
– you can now use ‘,’ and ‘.’ to scroll horizontally in editors
– smoother/faster scrolling when dragging selection or moving parts
– ‘o’ now also works in popup editor
– shortcuts for zoom in/out didnt zoom in center of view, now fixed
– dropping files into sequencer resulting in new track being created didnt scroll the new track into view, now fixed
– added undo/redo to menu in popup editor

06-july-2007 – Version 2.x beta

– drag select notes could sometimes select other midi messages as well, now fixed
– drag insert midi events would add multiple events at same location, now fixed
– drag and drag format 0 midi files into sequencer has issues with note lengths, now fixed
– use left/right keys will to select parts and events
– use ctrl + left/right to move any event
– you can now move any event with the move buttons in the object-bar
– zoom selection didnt redraw screen, now fixed
– mixer program dropdown now works
– object-bar didnt show length box in popup editor when selecting notes with different lengths, now fixed
– added ‘o’ as default shortcut for object-bar show/hide
– drum part didnt have move up/down buttons in object-bar, now fixed
– use alt + up/down to change velocity, control change, drum vol/pan/cutoff and parameter values in-track
– press stop (numpad 0) when already stopped, will send “all sounds off” to all VST instruments
– added midi receive channel to VTS/sampler (default all channels)
– VST version didnt show the VST program name, now fixed
– VST version didnt draw waveforms after loading, now fixed

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